Have you gotten rid of your vocal cord nodules, polyps or cysts non-surgically…? It’s Got To Be Vocal Science!

The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, a division of TRS School for the Total Voice Performance and The Royans Professional Vocal School - for nearly 4 decades - has been receiving numerous clients with various voice disorders.

Let us name the most common disorders that people have been suffering from and thus approaching our establishment:
  • Polyps on the vocal cord(s)
  • Nodules on the vocal cord(s) 
  • Cysts on the vocal cord(s) 
  • Lesions on the vocal cord(s) and throat area. 
  • Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)
  • Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD)
  • Sulcus Vocalis 
  • VCD (Vocal Cord Dysfunction)
However, the above voice/vocal disorders are just to name a few…

In our experience, practically all of the patients who have been suffering from the above-mentioned disorders have been prior going anywhere and everywhere to get help, even much before reaching our enterprise. Some of them had undergone conventional treatments like Botox; others took numerous speech therapy sessions doing all kinds of manipulations with the sound of their voices - blowing the bubbles, blowing the Kazoo and paying a “gazillion” amount of money for their throat massage…? To my knowledge, none of the above had ever helped anybody with their voice problem - let alone singers with singing voice problems.

One of our potential clients revealed to us that somebody in the field (however, conventional) supposedly helped him to dissolve a small polyp by undergoing “steam inhalations" and what have you. He came to us for an Introductory/Exploratory Session with pictures of his vocal cords’ condition at the present time. Within the images, it was clear that he possessed a huge polyp on one of his vocal cords and it looked like that it was a hemorrhaging one. He, before that, while making an appointment for his session with us, was bragging about that previous person who “helped” him with the first (almost non-existent) polyp - which he also showed us on the picture which was taken at that time.

We asked him why he would not want to go to the same voice professional he went to originally? He said that the previous person did not teach him anything - and therefore, by continuing speaking and especially singing in the same fashion, he felt an obvious obstruction on his vocal anatomy. And then, concurrently, he found out that he had a fair-sized vocal cord polyp at the same place on the vocal cord where the original polyp had been discovered…

The moral of the above is that “there is no change without change”.

So if there is a growth on the vocal cord, that means that the patient had been consistently doing something wrong to acquire it, i.e., most likely, overusing and misusing his speaking and singing voice, using a lot of force and trying to reach notes that are out of his range; evidently, not knowing how to properly approach it.

As I always said before, the speaker (and more so, the singer) represents the “instrument” and the “player”. Even if the vocal surgery was performed and the polyp was removed, the application of the speaking and/or singing voice had never been changed. So the “player” had never been taught how to change it to the point where the voice (speaking and/or singing) would work most efficiently, but without any harm to one’s vocal anatomy. Until the above is achieved, it is almost guaranteed that the polyp or nodule, lesion or cyst, will come back - and also may come back in multiple quantities!

So now, we would like to shed some light on how we could non-surgically go about it:

Our non-surgical voice repair treatment consists of a minimum of 30 hours of very vigorous and detailed instruction, coupled with the application of thoroughly selected herbal (and some homeopathic) remedies. Once the 30 hours are complete, for the next few months, the patient should strictly follow the assigned protocol to avoid any negative aftermath. If the above conditions are not met, the voice disorder may return to its original state and prevail even further from there.

The Toronto Star newspaper, in their article Not as Easy as it Sounds (1999), said that “this regimen is definitely not for the faint of heart”. I added that it is also not for people with a low attention span and/or low stamina (not to mention, below-average IQ...).

Case Study #1 - Sue D, former bleeding vocal cord polyp sufferer from Canmore, Alberta. Canada. 
Please read below.

Recently, in May of 2018, we received a client suffering from a bleeding polyp on her vocal cord. We now call her our “role model”, as she was very attentive during her 30-hour Vocal Science™ course and Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop - which she had also attended during her time with us. Even though that she left very happy and satisfied, we, however, had not heard anything from her up until the last few days (5 months later).

At this time, she revealed to us that she was given a “clean bill of health”, as her polyp was declared to be completely gone! Her speaking and singing voice got back to normal and better than before - (She came to us with a pretty raspy and hoarse voice). This person, whose name is Sue, originally was recommended to undergo a vocal surgery.

We would also like to note that her livelihood and her career all-and-all revolves around music. So she is back to her duties singing, teaching music and conducting her chorus.

Way to go, Sue!
Keep on rocking, Girl!

Below, please see for yourself her amazing post-course letter which was addressed to us!

I came to you with a hemorrhagic vocal polyp and with intense vocal fatigue. Surgery had been recommended and I was on the wait list for that surgery. I was getting hoarse quickly and my range was diminished from what I know I can produce as a singer. Speaking wore me out in no time. I went to Ontario with the attitude that if this experience did not fix me, at least I would be in a stronger place to recover after surgery. I spent 30 hours with Diana one on one, and she worked me extremely hard. It was exhausting and at times frustrating, but I clung to her words (and still cling to them) - "Ahead and only ahead".
Since that experience in May, I have not experienced vocal fatigue almost at all. (once or twice when my overall self was fatigued). My voice has been reliable and I am able to teach, direct my choir and interact with my family as I used to before the injury. My singing voice has been dramatically strengthened and is more reliable although it is still on its way back to where it was. I am blown away by the results of my time working with Diana. What's more, I went last week for another scope of my vocal cords and the hemorrhagic polyp that was so clearly there in February is entirely gone. It has dissolved completely.

Diana told me to expect this but I will be honest and say that I did not expect it, and I am so deeply thankful. Working with Diana was at times very difficult, but her unshakeable confidence that we can achieve results non-surgically pushed through and has been proven - in many other testimonies and now in mine.
I wish you all the best, with gratitude.
Ahead and only ahead.

Sue Chick D
Canmore Alberta

Over many years of experience and expertise, we have non-surgically solved numerous cases with all kinds of voice disorders. Stay tuned to learn more and to be introduced to our many very successful stories!

For more information on how we can help you to recover and restore your voice, please visit one or both of our websites:


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