Danger!!! Do not attempt to do any vocal exercises over the Internet or using related CD's or even DVD's. Your voice may be in jeopardy!
We are not trying to spook you for Halloween. This is actually the truth! Due to the Internet being so accessible virtually by everybody, a lot of people think that they could find the answer and the solution to every problem they’ve got. In majority of cases, they might; but in some cases, it’s just simply not possible. We just got yet another client who literally explored all the internet sites available on earth, and ended up coming to us with an obstruction on the right vocal cord/larynx and, somewhat, mild symptoms of muscle tension dysphonia. He was pushing and pulling his voice to the max, (almost to the point of no return). He followed numerous methods and instructions and had done lots of speech and singing exercises, which lead him to the obvious damage of his vocal anatomy. Being born and raised in New Zealand having a specific accent, his voice was very low positioned and his speech was hardly understood. Needless to say, he spoke...