
Showing posts with the label vocal lessons

Vocally Speaking… Reality Check! (Based on True Stories)!

How The Suppressed Emotions, Lack of Talking in the Childhood Years (Due To Strict Upbringing), And Enormous Stress, Can Effect Your Speaking Voice Down The Road To Your Adulthood? Due to my profession and extensive practice, I meet all kinds of people; all heights and weights, all colours and cultures and (in general) people from all walks of life. Being situated in Canada for over 36 years and running my Professional Vocal School for nearly 33 years, surprisingly enough (and especially lately) my business took a different turn and became at least 95% international. Our primary market for voice repairs happens to be American. Quite recently, I completed two voice repair projects, one of which was from Seattle, US, and the other from the State of Minnesota.  Needless to say, both of those adults (nevertheless with speech/voice disorders) very-much-so succeeded in their voice recovery with intense implementation of the Vocal Science technique . They had different voice disorders

Vocal Science - Holistic Approach (Part II): How could it help adults to open up and deal with stuffed-up emotions?

*Mind, body and soul... and your voice*  In 1984, we have opened the school, which was originally named: The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts . Almost right from the start, we have enrolled over 100 students, consisting of children, teenagers and adults. After my partner (the second Royan) had passed away in 1986, a year after, (in 1987), I changed the name of the school and it became well known as The Royans Professional Vocal School . And at that time, the school became primarily an adult vocal school and children became a minority. However, we always have been working with teenagers and young adults, developing their talents for the music industry at large.   Nevertheless though, working primarily with adults, provided me with a lot of experience and education concerning North American mentality. Being an educator by trade and a very inquisitive person by nature, I have been tuning in to those adults who allowed me to get themselves under my care; and not

Non-Surgical Voice Repair Via Vocal Science ™ Method.

All you have to lose is your stress and fear; All you have to gain is your voice and overall health.   When a regular person suddenly begins to experience some voice problems , it becomes very devastating and, nevertheless, very scary. When a singer begins to experience a loss of range, and hoarseness of voice , not only does it cause stress and extreme fear of losing their career, but it becomes completely unbearable and extremely stressful for that individual; and of course, all of it effects his/hers overall health. The musicians in general are usually extremely emotional and quite passionate, which is not always beneficial to their physical wellbeing. It is a well-known fact that a lot of diseases are emotionally induced and then they manifest in the physical body. The stress alone can cause quite a change in the chemical composition and thus, can cause a complete imbalance in the body. If brought to the absolute boiling point, it will most likely attack the weakest

Non-Surgical Voice Repair. Do you have difficulties breathing or swallowing? Do you think you have asthma?

Yes, you may think that you do have asthma, especially if you are experiencing shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing food. Indeed, it is possible that you do have asthma, but it is also possible that you do have problems with your voice to be positioned in the lower throat, and thus, blocking your airway. So asthma or not, it probably would be a good idea to work on your voice and re-channel it to the upper facial muscles which, in turn, will begin to work in full conjunction and coordination with your abdominal muscles, thus to have your voice lifted off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords. So, in this instance, your air will have a clear path and your asthma symptoms may disappear in an instant. Also, your voice will sound much clearer and your pronunciation and annunciation will become very distinct.  Needless to say, applying natural herbs and remedies onto your throat will clear out your vocal anatomy from all kinds of impurities, such as mucus

Can You Face Your Vocal Problems, or Are You trying To Sugarcoat Your Feelings?

Do you know how to be true to your vocal problems and to yourself for that matter? Do you also know that any drugs, injections or even some natural remedies often, thus  delay proper voice treatment and recovery? If you feel any changes in your voice whatsoever, please don’t ignore it! See a natural health/voice specialist as soon as possible! Don’t convince yourself that everything is fine and almost as good as before. You are experiencing some changes and (let me tell you) there is definitely no change without change. Something had happened! Maybe you had a virus, strep throat or just a simple flue? After recovering from any of the above, suddenly, you have discovered that your voice, per say, had not recovered. You are still speaking raspy and your voice still sounds hoarse. You, meanwhile, continuously trying to justify your voice condition by saying, “Oh. I’m just having a cold, or I just had a cold and my voice is still recovering”. So, some time pass

If you are unable (for whichever reason) to fly to Canada, we will fly to you...

What do we mean by that statement?   Given the political situation nowadays, we have decided to increase our travel regime to our clients.  Of course, we have done it before when clients were requesting us to do so. Now we are coming to you, (our potential clients), and are offering it to you outright to save you the hassle of traveling to a foreign country and, concurrently, to give you an opportunity to pursue your everyday routines with your children/parents, spouses and, if needed, work. We also understand that with the advisory being issued for international air travel, it became a little scary for some of our potential clients. We, (operating under the “Royans Universe”), feel quite safe to travel to you to fix your voice . So if the fear of terrorism is preventing you from traveling to us, (nevertheless, for a very good deed – to conquer your voice problems ), we are more than willing to come to you to solve all of your voice issues . We are rea

Danger!!! Do not attempt to do any vocal exercises over the Internet or using related CD's or even DVD's. Your voice may be in jeopardy!

We are not trying to spook you for Halloween. This is actually the truth!   Due to the Internet being so accessible virtually by everybody, a lot of people think that they could find the answer and the solution to every problem they’ve got. In majority of cases, they might; but in some cases, it’s just simply not possible. We just got yet another client who literally explored all the internet sites available on earth, and ended up coming to us with an obstruction on the right vocal cord/larynx and, somewhat, mild symptoms of muscle tension dysphonia. He was pushing and pulling his voice to the max, (almost to the point of no return). He followed numerous methods and instructions and had done lots of speech and singing exercises, which lead him to the obvious damage of his vocal anatomy. Being born and raised in New Zealand having a specific accent, his voice was very low positioned and his speech was hardly understood. Needless to say, he spoke ver