
Showing posts with the label vocal coaching

Vocal Science: We make your voice make sense!

What do we mean by that? Firstly, any person should possess a healthy voice which is also consistent with the persons' height, weight and the their inner ‘make-up’ in general. Sometimes, and luckily not too often, you can see a quite petite woman, but yet hear her heavy and 'bassy' voice. A good example would be two well-known actresses (one of whom is also a singer). The singer/actress is Miley Cyrus and the other actress is Julia Stiles - pretty girls that are speaking with much heavier voices then their physiques would ever suggest.  We, in fact, at The Royans Professional Vocal School , would be able to get rid of the heaviness and thickness of their quite-low voices. If they (or them alike) embraced the Vocal Science technique, their voices would be lifted off of their (somewhat) heavy and thick vocal cords, which were given to them at birth. The thicker the vocal cords are, the lower voice will prevail. And, on the contrary, if the person poss

Vocal Science – Health With Voice! Asthma Anyone?

Believe it or not, asthma disorder could be very much connected to a voice disorder , due to improper breathing. If the asthma sufferer is not aware of his/her breathing patterns, it could very easily effect their voice, as the throat, at the time, becomes very dry, and also the use of the medicated puffers will dry out one’s throat in no time. One way to help the asthma sufferers with their asthma disorder and, if needed, their damaged voice, is (first of all) to teach them proper breathing, which will immensely help the sufferers with asthma symptoms during the attacks; and concurrently, due to the lift of voice off of the lower and upper respiratory system, the voice healing will be enhanced by the virtue fact that it had gotten removed from the infected area. Now let’s talk about breathing exercises : I usually do not work with clients on just breathing; it always connected to the speaking/singing sounds, syllables and vowels. The objective here

Vocal Science: Fixing Voices Is Not Just Our Full Time Job, It Is Our Full Time Passion!!

We truly love to transform lives and put people back into their “vocal shoes”, (like one of our clients from the past professed to us). We work with regular people with speech problems and with those who want to turn their speaking voice into their profession. We also work with people who just simply want to learn how to sing better. And, respectively, we work with professional singers who either want to prevent their voice from damage, or who already had damaged it. And are now in need of non-surgical voice repair. If we are talking about any voice repair cases at all, we are talking about a very complex approach to treatment, which, first of all, includes psychological counseling, and thus helps to identify the actual cause of ones’ vocal trauma. Sometimes, their vocal (and other related) problems have very deep roots lying beneath. And thus, from my side, it requires a lot of skillful experience, as well as true desire and passion to really get to the bott

Attention Vocally Injured! Lose Your Vocal Injuries and Become “The Biggest Loser”!

Regain your voice and your confidence back!   Your voice… desired and deserved!   More and more professional artists end up with the vocal injuries . Nearly every week, we hear that various concerts and tours have been canceled and the lead singers (either a soloist or band lead singer) just about to undergo a vocal cord surgery . How sad is that? Sad indeed!   Why does it happen and why it happens to so many artists? Is it because they are overworked and over-stressed? I think that definitely the above are the factors.  However, if their technical merit of their singing had been intact, less tragedies and cancellations of their performances would take place. So, human being puzzle (in a manner of speaking), like any puzzle, has many components and pieces, which have to fall into the right places. Those singers’ lifestyles, naturally, are very active and filled with a lot of appearances, interviews and performances. Due to the above, thei

Vocal “Prosthetics” - What Do We Mean By That?

Alternative Approach To Speaking and Singing Voice Mechanics. We are getting a lot of inquiries from people who suffer from various voice/vocal disorders. They are suffering from vocal issues such as: nodules, polyps, lesions, cysts, papillomas, paralyzed vocal cords and many other vocal problems. Naturally, some people want to resolve their vocal cord growth non-surgically ; and this is definitely the right thing to do. However, the majority of them outright presume that the minute they start adapting the new mechanics of the voice, combined with the natural herbal treatment, their growth will magically disappear, and moreover, in the nick of time nevertheless. Yes, in more light conditions like, for example: pre-nodules or very small nodules/polyps, etc., they do disappear in a reasonably short time. The fact is that once the voice is lifted off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords, it is no longer rubbing off of those cords; and once the appropriate herbal remed

Paralyzed Vocal Cord Due to Intubation and Other Causes… Could it be treated and could the voice be restored other then Non-Surgically?

The voice disorder such as a paralyzed vocal cord is definitely “not a picnic” to put it mildly. Usually, this condition occurs due to a related or non-related surgery. It occurs very often during the thyroid extraction or spine fusion, where the neck is involved. It actually could occur in any surgery where intubation takes place. The fact is that majority of the hospitals here in Canada and in the United States are the teaching hospitals. What that means is that these kind of procedures are not necessarily conducted by the appointed specialist(s), but are being performed by medical interns or even by medical faculty University students. Those young doctors to be are obviously still learning and do not have experience how to insert those tubes correctly. Thus, the occurred mistakes, which could cause the patient a severe damage of their vocal box, could be crucial to one’s life.   So the patient who went in to the operating room with a perfectly good voice, woke up a few ho

Voice Repair: Pre-New Year's 2023 Resolution... Should you wait any longer to fix your voice/vocal issues...?

Yes, of course, you can convince yourself to postpone it until next year, as you now will be busy with the holidays, holiday shopping, your children and whatnot. But should you really wait and put it on the back burner? Some things in our lives cannot wait for better days or better weather. For example,  Muscle Tension Dysphonia  (MTD)   could easily turn into Spasmodic Dysphonia , (which is definitely not going to be fun), and any growth on the vocal cords such as polyps , nodules , lesions , cysts (and what have you), could turn into  cancer of the throat , especially if all of it is emotionally induced. Our non-surgical voice repair Vocal Science™Method  - and, nonetheless, consisting of its very unique voice/vocal technique, is truly accelerated and straight to the point whereas the healing of the vocal problems and voice disorders are being solved with the speed of light (hours and days, not months or years).  I would like to offer you one of the examples which I can

Vocal Disorder: Some people, as it appears to be, love having it?

It sounds completely absurd, doesn’t it? Believe it or not, in some cases, it is completely true. At first, when the person gets diagnosed with any kind of voice problems , they become devastated, then frustrated; after that, depressed and then, believe it or not, they get used to it and, in some cases, they truly embrace it. They have no other choice, you may exclaim! Yes, partially you are right, my reader.   They have to embrace it and get into balance to be able to deal with their voice issues accordingly and promptly. However, a lot of people, after conducting a short search, give up on getting better and soon give up on even claiming their life back.   Moreover, they discover support groups where they get “support”, but not how to fix their voice problem, but how to learn to live with it; and yes, “love” it. So now, they are caught in a catch 22 situation, so to speak. They have found, so called support, from group members. They also seem to