
Showing posts with the label singing

Non-Surgical Voice Repair. Attention Vocalists, Producers and Managers!

Artists: Save your voice . Producers: Have an easier role with the well-trained artist who will not lose their voice during the production. Managers: Save time, money and aggravation by your artists not cancelling their performances, tours and other appearances. Let’s look at the recent related events: Singer, Mariah Carey , who has recently been on tour in Japan, was embarrassing herself while literally losing her voice on stage singing off key and not reaching any of the high notes. Obviously, she needs some sort of voice repair before it will become irreparable. Also, people who loved and cherished her before are now deeply disappointed and even some of them are quite annoyed, as she definitely has not lived up to their expectations. So this is the question. Why, neither her or more so, her manager, do nothing about it? Are they waiting for the time where a vocal operation will be inevitable? Why bring it to that dr

Bleeding Vocal Cords (Part 2). Post Operative Care.

We all know that whichever health problems we have, the best way to conquer them is, first of all, to prevent it. However, if it already happened, the second best way to deal with it is non-surgically , if possible. The third apparent way is to embark on a surgical procedure. However, the latter is much more dangerous than the other two options. Look at the case of Julie Andrews; after undergoing a botched vocal surgery in 1997, she lost her ability to sing forever and never regained her real singing voice ever since.  Joan Rivers , not too long ago, went to a prestigious New York hospital to the outpatient ward to remove a simple polyp and, as a result, she never came out of the operation room.  And lastly, there is Sam Smith , who luckily came out of the O.R, but with no ability to speak for quite a few weeks. The rest remains to be seen. I wish him all the best and a full recovery of his vocal injury . However, with the best scenario, what is going to change afte

Bleeding vocal cords - how does that happen? Is there a cure?

The world had just heard about the well-known artist,   Sam Smith   who, unfortunately, had to interrupt his Australian tour and reschedule his Japan and UK tours. It must be very disheartening when the singer, especially at his heights, has to interrupt his performances and publicly admit that there is something wrong with his vocal anatomy.  The question is: Could the singer prevent such an occurrence? From where I sit, the answer is yes, he could. The Vocal Science ™ technique , which I developed, suggests to use less of the vocal anatomy and more of the subsidiary anatomy which actually produces more efficiency in the human voice with less, (or not at all), strain on the vocal cords and vocal box in general. The vocal cords could handle only so much pressure of the sound. Therefore, the main objective is to remove the pressure, and thus the pain and strain from the vocal cords, larynx and throat, and then to appoint the facial set of muscles to play

Post Voice Repair Course – Positive and Not So Positive Consequences

The Non-Surgicalvoice repair course is a very serious endeavor for both the voice sufferer and the voice repair specialist. Needless to say, the voice repair clients come usually upset, frustrated and in a majority of cases, somewhat depressed.   Quite a few of them literally lost they’re speaking and singing careers, or just simply their jobs.   So they do have a very good reason to be upset, and yes, depressed. However, obviously those emotions are not helping the cause. So I have to be a very good psychologist, and in some cases, even a psychiatrist to be able to attend to the vocally troubled person. Obviously, the concept of my methodology is the same for everybody. However, the way I am solving their voice and vocal issues is almost every time different. I compare it with a headache. You can get rid of the headache applying different means, i.e., medical drugs, herbal remedies, deep tissue manipulation massage, or what have you.