Post Voice Repair Course – Positive and Not So Positive Consequences

The Non-Surgicalvoice repair course is a very serious endeavor for both the voice sufferer and the voice repair specialist.

Needless to say, the voice repair clients come usually upset, frustrated and in a majority of cases, somewhat depressed.  Quite a few of them literally lost they’re speaking and singing careers, or just simply their jobs.  So they do have a very good reason to be upset, and yes, depressed.

However, obviously those emotions are not helping the cause.
So I have to be a very good psychologist, and in some cases, even a psychiatrist to be able to attend to the vocally troubled person.

Obviously, the concept of my methodology is the same for everybody. However, the way I am solving their voice and vocal issues is almost every time different.

I compare it with a headache.
You can get rid of the headache applying different means, i.e., medical drugs, herbal remedies, deep tissue manipulation massage, or what have you.

It does not really matter what is applicable for a headache sufferer. It does matter that the headache will not exist anymore.

I use the same approach to solve any vocal disorder. I look and find out what is needed. Then I test several methods I have in my arsenal. And once I find the one that works, I provide the needed care.

My success of doing it is unlimited!

There are two stages involved in treating and educating the person with voice problem:

The first stage: I instill my message on the subconscious level.
It is in fact a very intellectual and intelligent method of visualization. It works on the principal of GPS, or as British people call it, Satellite Navigation, which is all good and well.

Let’s say that you need to get to an unknown place only once.
You don’t know where you are going and you are not planning to go there ever again. Then the GPS, (Or Sat Nav), will be very helpful.

You don’t need to think, as a pleasant (usually female) voice will guide you exactly to where you are going.

But if you want to learn the root and rely on your brain, you will consciously then know the exact directions to the aimed destination.

Stage two: is to educate the voice repair client “what button to press on their humancomputer” to achieve the right outcome or “printout” so to speak, they are looking for, first with my help and then on their own.

If that stage of the instruction does not “compute” so to speak, the person upon arriving back home, will have difficulties to replicate the newly found application of their speaking or singing voice.

The “automatic pilot instruction”, which they achieved while being with me in my studio, will shortly wear off and now will bring the voice repair client almost, back to the same stage where they originally began their journey. 

Some people need 20-30 hours of instruction and, so to speak, ‘tightening the screws’ of the new modality of their new vocal behavior, and some people need 50, or even 100 hours to achieve that.

All of it depends how balanced, mentally, physically and emotionally the person is at the beginning of the voice repair journey.

If they have an open heart and soul, the belief and commitment, the success of their vocal and overall human transformation will be, indeed, unlimited.

A lot of my clients come very closed in and very much in their head.

One time, I was working with a client, and there was a huge noise coming out from another side of the building. I, personally, was very disturbed by it and could not wait until it will stop.

I was really worried that it does disturb and distract my client from her exercises.  When I asked her if she’s disturbed by this enormous noise, she looked at me, puzzled, and asked me, “which noise…?”.

She, apparently, has not heard a thing!!!

That should tell you, my reader, that the person, instead of being connected with the instructor, was sitting very deeply in their own head and stewing in their own world.
That alerted me immediately and I did everything in my power to establish a balance between the person’s inner and outer world, thus establish the needed connection with me and learn (manually) the proper application, in this case, of speaking voice.

As I knew that when the former voice repair client comes back home, the automatic translation will wear out soon enough and the manual one was hardly established.

Moreover, especially the speakers, who ruined their voices by speaking a lot, very loud and intensely, now regaining their voice, (even on the automatic pilot), come back right to the same manor and quantity of speaking, as before and more.

I do warn those clients and try to bring to their level of understanding that they just left, in a manor of speaking, a rehab and they can not start running marathons immediately after.

By my experience, the speakers are the most guilty of this president.

They, in a manner of speaking, acquire what I call a “vocal incontinence”.

It is somewhat understandable, since they were deprived from the normal speech for some time before they met me, but they still do not have patience to bring it up gradually and “learn how to walk, before they start running”.

So my main challenge in voice repair endeavors is to get the vocal sufferer back in balance on every level and assure that they will remain to stay in total balance, with or without my presence.  

If you find this content informative and helpful, please refer to our websites for more detailed information, or give Diana Yampolsky a call for a free consultation on any of the vocal problems you, or your loved one(s) might have.



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