Bleeding vocal cords - how does that happen? Is there a cure?

The world had just heard about the well-known artist, Sam Smith who, unfortunately, had to interrupt his Australian tour and reschedule his Japan and UK tours. It must be very disheartening when the singer, especially at his heights, has to interrupt his performances and publicly admit that there is something wrong with his vocal anatomy. 

The question is: Could the singer prevent such an occurrence?
From where I sit, the answer is yes, he could.

The Vocal Science ™ technique, which I developed, suggests to use less of the vocal anatomy and more of the subsidiary anatomy which actually produces more efficiency in the human voice with less, (or not at all), strain on the vocal cords and vocal box in general. The vocal cords could handle only so much pressure of the sound.

Therefore, the main objective is to remove the pressure, and thus the pain and strain from the vocal cords, larynx and throat, and then to appoint the facial set of muscles to play the role of the natural amplifier/resonator.

To achieve the above, the facial muscles must begin to work in full conjunction and coordination with the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles will provide the support for the sound to be lifted off of the vocal cords and off of the vocal box. And also, the circumference, (the body of the sound), will then be established. After the very first syllable of the word, the vocal cords will be relieved to the rest of the phrase, thus a lot of strums by the voice on the vocal cords will be saved.

Like for the heart, we only have so many beats per lifetime.
Similarly, the vocal cords could only handle so many strums per lifetime.

The moral of this is: save and protect your voice, trying to avoid the wear and tear on the vocal anatomy. When the vocal anatomy is used excessively, it becomes dry and very vulnerable. In this instance, the singer who has a very heavy schedule, like Sam Smith, could acquire all kinds of vocal disorders, and yes, one of them could be bleeding vocal cords.

For example: If the person wears an uncomfortable shoe, he could easily get a callus on their baby toe. If the shoe, or the callus for that matter, is not removed, it starts bleeding and gets infected. The bandage with medication, which separates the shoe from the callus, could eliminate the pain and prevent the infection.

So, in my opinion, for the singer whose livelihood depends on his/her voice, it is a must to learn how to separate the vocal anatomy from the pressure of the sound adapting the wholesome mechanism which includes proper breathing and, so to speak, “fuel” for the sound to fly to its aimed destination and arrive to that destination safely.

However, if the damage has occurred, (along with the proper technique), the use of the certain natural herbs and remedies will also enhance not only the vocal anatomy, but also the overall healing.

To get more information on voice damage and voice disorders, you are welcome to refer to one of our sites:


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