
Showing posts with the label fix my voice

Vocal Science™: "Vocaholics" Anonymous - Get "Sober"... Reinvigorate Your Voice!!

Some time ago, after 30 hours of non-surgical voice repair, speaking and singing instruction and herbal treatment, we said goodbye to our New York client, John Polanco.  With his permission, we would like to share his story with you, our readers.   Ever since he was a young boy, John had a real passion for singing. He discovered that singing, especially in his native language (Spanish) made him very happy and thus, he felt very joyous.  He began to sing with friends at parties and by himself. Many people (his musician friends included) were giving him advice on how to sing better. He had carefully listened to them and tried to adapt all of the new "techniques" they were suggesting him to employ. He was also imitating all of the famous and not-so-famous Spanish singers and he loved doing it, until he noticed that his voice did not perform the same anymore. He tried to push and pull his voice until he could not do it any longer.  That was 20 years

Voice Repair: Pre-New Year's 2023 Resolution... Should you wait any longer to fix your voice/vocal issues...?

Yes, of course, you can convince yourself to postpone it until next year, as you now will be busy with the holidays, holiday shopping, your children and whatnot. But should you really wait and put it on the back burner? Some things in our lives cannot wait for better days or better weather. For example,  Muscle Tension Dysphonia  (MTD)   could easily turn into Spasmodic Dysphonia , (which is definitely not going to be fun), and any growth on the vocal cords such as polyps , nodules , lesions , cysts (and what have you), could turn into  cancer of the throat , especially if all of it is emotionally induced. Our non-surgical voice repair Vocal Science™Method  - and, nonetheless, consisting of its very unique voice/vocal technique, is truly accelerated and straight to the point whereas the healing of the vocal problems and voice disorders are being solved with the speed of light (hours and days, not months or years).  I would like to offer you one of the examples which I can

Finding Your Voice… Vocal Channeling – What Is That? And How To Find It Within You?

In our roster, we have more and more people coming to us for voice repair and voice restoration , but they are also coming to actually “find” their voice. We have clients who come to us with various voice/vocal issues and who have already tried everything else, especially through the means of the Internet. Some of those people are very "computer savvy" and are able to deeply surf and navigate voice-related sites. Evidently, they have been trying to save money, so they would not have to travel anywhere to rectify their voice problems and, instead, were trying to do it on their own and from the comfort of their home. Needless to say that eventually, accomplishing nothing to what they were looking for, they actually managed to make their voice/vocal issues even more pronounced and, in some cases. completely  non-repairable (at least with a non-surgical approach) ... I really like one of the commercials for men’s weight loss (that is running very often

What is Non-Surgical Voice Repair? Let’s Find Out!

- Voice and Vocal Disorders Treatment   - Post Voice/Vocal Restoration and Coaching - Mild Voice/Vocal Diseases Cure We treat and cure most vocaldiseases and disorders . Most disorders are treatable and some of them are even curable. With our Vocal Science Trademarked technique and employment of the, specifically selected, natural herbal and homeopathic remedies, we are able to achieve results like no other!  How it is done: The Vocal Science technique has been developed by the world renowned vocal coach, consultant and non-surgical voice repair specialist, Diana Yampolsky . By utilizing the components of the Vocal Science method, Diana became capable to save the damaged vocal anatomy and restore the speaking and/or singing voice back to normal and beyond. Using, (developed by Diana), speech and singing exercises , coupled with the certain body movements, she became capable of achieving the voice lift off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords.

Non-Surgical voice repair - Herbal & Homeopathic Treatment. Definitely A Complete Success, But What About The Aftermath?

What do you mean by the above, you may ask? What I mean is that the person in question, immediately after recovering their speech (or their singing voice for that matter), goes on the binge marathon. It's like a person who has been on a diet for sometime, after loosing the desirable weight, goes right back to their bad eating habits and binges on everything they were deprived of. No doubts that their lost weight will come back really fast and often double their original weight. Sad? Indeed! But that’s haw the human body works. Similarly, it happens with voice repair clients. They acquire virtually a "verbal diarrhea"   And in spite of all my warnings and pleadings, they cannot stop talking until they again become raspy and hoarse! Now they are, so to speak, in their "comfort zone" but upset and frustrated that they have lost their ability to communicate with no pain or strain on their vocal anatomy, like they did during the instruction.

Bleeding Vocal Cords (Part 2). Post Operative Care.

We all know that whichever health problems we have, the best way to conquer them is, first of all, to prevent it. However, if it already happened, the second best way to deal with it is non-surgically , if possible. The third apparent way is to embark on a surgical procedure. However, the latter is much more dangerous than the other two options. Look at the case of Julie Andrews; after undergoing a botched vocal surgery in 1997, she lost her ability to sing forever and never regained her real singing voice ever since.  Joan Rivers , not too long ago, went to a prestigious New York hospital to the outpatient ward to remove a simple polyp and, as a result, she never came out of the operation room.  And lastly, there is Sam Smith , who luckily came out of the O.R, but with no ability to speak for quite a few weeks. The rest remains to be seen. I wish him all the best and a full recovery of his vocal injury . However, with the best scenario, what is going to change afte