
Showing posts with the label Vocal Cord Nodules

Once Vocally Impaired, Should They or Could They Continue Embarking Further on their Vocal Drive?

Nevertheless, I have been getting a lot of calls regarding the non-surgical voice repair program. The people who are inquiring are usually very desperate and very emotional, which is quite understandable. They're pleading for help and, at the glance, appear that they would do anything that would be required from them; would drop everything and anything (including their vocal and voice performances) and would rush to Toronto to fix their voices in order to continue their performances, recordings and whichever other careers which are directly connected to their voices' health and their overall well being. Some of them are diagnosed, some of them not yet, and some of them are hiding their diagnosis (to my dismay...) But what is more surprising is that a lot of them are till singing (more like faking) and thus being in denial, while at the same time, their singing (and voices in general) and quite compromised! Go figure! They are actually singing on their nodules and p

If Voice Damage is Undeniable…, Suffering should be Optional.

You are experiencing voice problems: Sore throat, hard to swallow, burning vocal cords, difficulty speaking/singing, etc. “Should I ignore all of this and hope that my voice will come back on its own and will be as good as before or better?” “Should I agree for a surgical procedure?” “Should I try to find a “magic” pill, which will solve all my voice problems?” Should you continue suffering, or should you do something about it ?  I am sure that the first thought that usually comes to your mind is,  “let’s go to the doctor and find out what’s wrong with me”. Then you get a referral to the ENT specialist. And after that, "if you’re lucky", you may be diagnosed with something not so serious, and most likely, you would be offered some kind of a medical drug, which usually is designed to knock down your gastric acid, regardless weather you have it or not. If you are "not so lucky", you may not be diagnosed with anything at all, or

Voice Repair: We Don’t Just Speak About It - We Make It Happen!

I have been teaching and repairing voices for many years now. I have taught actors, professional media personnel, voice-over speakers, fitness instructors, and, of course, singers of all calibers. To survive in those described above professions, you need a strong voice, a voice which will never let down its user.  Those people’s livelihood directly depends on the strength, health and command of their voices. If the person, of any of the described above professions, would damage and/or lose their voice , their livelihood would be (very much so) in jeopardy.  Over the years, I’ve fixed the voices of quite well-known radio and TV personnel, public speakers, pastors, worship leaders, to name a few. All of them needed their voice back to the normal operational state and as soon as possible! So there was no time to just speak about it or feed them with promises of a future recovery — I had to get to the action and  to act upon it immediately! These people were despera