Non-Surgical Voice Repair: What Is There To Expect? It certainly is not for the faint of heart, so to speak …
Through my extensive practice I have been treating a lot of singers (professional or not) and
just regular people with speech problems.
Some of them are quite easy to deal with, while with the
others it is extremely hard, to put it mildly.
In general, both described above categories are quite
Some of those people, unfortunately, have been suffering for
a decade or two, if not even more.
Some of them almost lost hope for their vocal recovery, while
the others never gave up and continued their search.
Finally, the person arrives to my studio.
They are trying to look and act brave until we start the
process, which is in its nature very tedious, very intense vowel-on-vowel,
syllable-on-syllable, word-on-word instruction with simultaneous herbal
remedies intake.
It is indeed not for the faint of heart and also definitely
not for the person with below average I.Q.
It requires an intellectual understanding, in depth; it also
requires the motor skills to be present, as the intellectual understanding
works hand-in-hand with motor skills to recover the voice and bring it out on
the surface.
I always said it before:
“It is an integration and synergy between the mental, physical,
emotional and vocal state.”
That’s what “in my books” defines the holistic approach to voice mechanics.
Needless to say that all of my voice repair clients are
holding on to their emotions which they are desperately trying to keep inside.
When I deeply engage into them, so to speak, all of their
frustration, anger, anguish and what-not is almost uncontrollably pouring out
of them.
Interestingly enough, it is more pronounced with the regular people (not singers) who are experiencing speech disorder.
Moreover, when I begin to open up what was stored inside for
so long, I often uncover more vocal and other issues than originally was determined.
This is completely normal when I, for example, treat sulcus
vocalis, I suddenly uncover that the person also has muscle tension dysphonia,
and what have you.
Just like during surgery, often some more deep and dangerous
problems cannot be seen on x-ray or ultra-sound, and then during the surgery,
the surgeon discovers something else which was not even anticipated.
So the voice repair client has to be prepared to face the
unexpected and take it with a “grain of salt”.
Sometimes, I compare it with a complicated baby delivery,
those which are conducted with the forceps, especially when the fetus is wrong
positioned in the womb.
In most of the cases of the described above, the baby is
still delivered healthy. Thank God!
The complications, however, could be very unpleasant and
painful for the mother in question.
I hate to say it, but in the case of non-surgical voice
repair, some discomfort and some unexpected surprises could also occur.
In other words, the voice repair process is definitely not
always a “picnic”.
If you feel that mentally, physically and emotionally you
are ready for such an endeavour, you are very welcome to contact me and get
more in depth details.
Until then, I wish you all a speedy vocal recovery with
whichever means you will find most suitable for you.
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