Non-Surgical Voice Repair. M B V (Mind, Body and Voice Investigation). The causes and Consequences.

I must have given not million, but billion singing, speech and voice repair designated hours, serving at least 20,000 clients for over 31 years running a professional vocal school.

For the last three decades, I have been mostly specializing in Non-Surgical Voice Repair more so than the regular singing or speech lessons.

It appears to be that more and more people are ruining their speaking and singing voices, not knowing how to properly use their voices, let alone knowing how to take care of their voices.

Usually, their lifestyles are quite unhealthy – diet wise, fitness wise, and enormous stress wise.

They live a very strained life, so to speak.

Naturally, a lot of them, (speakers and singers), are pushing and pulling their voices while concurrently gripping their voices into their necks, thus paving their way to what’s called Muscle Tension Dysphonia.

While having these symptoms, naturally these people affected by them, are thinking of going to an ENT specialist. They are hoping to get their diagnosis, (unfortunately, most of the time, quite wrongful), and after that, also hoping to get some relief and also have a ‘quick fix’ of their vocal problem.

Quite often, the ENT specialists suggest the “standard labels” like: acid reflux on the vocal cords, vocal gap (sulcus vocalis), muscle tension dysphonia, etc.

 If there is any growth on the vocal cords; (like nodules, polyps or cysts) they, no doubts, will suggest a surgery whether it is needed or not.

Meanwhile, the mind, body and voice have to be assessed separately and collectively.
In fact, I have heard numerous of times that the ENT specialists suggest to the vocally injured patients that it’s “all in their head”, while the person is literally having a vocal damage and thus, is devastated out of their wits!

I never could understand that and at first, it was really hard to believe that something like that is possible!

Naturally, the person with the vocal problem is very upset and frustrated, to put it mildly and, of course, they act a little erratically and are being very emotional, which is completely understandable.

Their body usually is very tensed, as almost any vocal injury results in muscle tension dysphonia, i.e., a very tight neck.

By virtue of the Vocal Science technique, I work on client’s posture and get the pressure out of their neck, shoulders and lower back, which a lot of times, they have a problem with, as they are standing and walking with their pelvis out, throwing their sound backwards instead of forward and thus, pushing and pulling their voice forward double force.

Naturally, the voice itself becomes really strained of constant pushing and pulling, the vocal cords become weak and sometimes to the point that the vocal folds are unable to come back close together. 

That’s how the vocal gap, (sulcus vocalis) takes place.

Also, the vocal cords become dry and deprived of oxygen; thus such growths as vocal nodules, polyps and cysts will, no doubts, occur.

Also, one of the main components of the wholesome vocal mechanism is proper breathing.

If the person does not execute the proper breath intake and would not leave the air underneath of the sound to propel the voice forward to also separate the physical body from the sound, that person starts to hyperventilate and feel dizzy, not to mention drying up their throat even more so than before.   

So one more time again, the Non-Surgical Voice Repair has to be approached holistically, as I can promise you, no other approach will ever work.

If you find this content informative and helpful, please refer to our websites for more detailed information, or give Diana Yampolsky a call for a free consultation on any of the vocal problems you, or your loved one(s) might have.



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