Mayor Rob Ford. On Behalf of The Royans Professional Vocal School, We Wish You a Speedy Recovery.

When yesterday I came home after a hard working day, I, as usual, tuned into CP24 - our most popular Toronto breaking news station.  For many years now, I established a habit to wake up with CP24 news and go to bed with the news update for the past day. I really like to know first what has been happening in my city and then embark on the international news. My husband, however, a native Torontonian, likes to know what’s happening in the world first and then maybe what’s happening in his city.

Go figure!

I guess, to each their own.

Anyway, out of all the Mayors for the last 35 years that I have been living in this city, I precisely liked two of them, Mel Lastman and Rob Ford.  Both have been very useful for the city and also have had very entertaining personalities. Rob Ford in particular, has been “entertaining” Toronto, and nevertheless, the whole world at large for the last several years.

I often felt really sorry for him, as the media really put him through the ringer. His and his families’ lives, for that matter, are still being watched constantly. He and his family virtually have no break from the public’s eyes. So the stress that the Ford family is going through is unimaginable. As we all know, all of our illnesses are emotionally induced before they manifest in the physical body. No doubts, whichever kind of tumor Rob Ford has, it has been contributed by the right and/or wrong accusations and constant attacks towards him via regular public and, nevertheless, the media. From where I sit - in the Arts business, I was really commending Rob Ford for trying to bring Arts back to our city. 

He even went to Austin Texas to “solidify the terms and scope of the Austin – Toronto Music City Allience”, wanting to learn how to draw the modern music scene to Toronto. 

His degree of devotion to this city, in my opinion, far exceeds the devotion level of our past Mayors, as it clearly shows within the Toronto streets and within the communities that we live in.

To further iterate, he clearly sees the value of the city as a whole and tries to improve its’ communities, its world standing and yes, even its culture and fun, as shown in the news when he created a “dance scene” within the council chambers. Most of our clients that come in for regular speech/vocallessons, or are in need of Voice Repair, have positive remarks towards Rob Ford if topics related to him come to light within our conversations. Of course, not all was positive in Ford’s world, as the media and news outlets attained information about Rob and his occasional substance habits. Nevertheless, being able to, “fight his demons, so to speak“, and at the same time attain international stardom, his ability  to maintain his position as Toronto Mayor is simply commendable. 

To conclude; thank you Rob Ford for making our fair city livelier and we wish that you will continue your good work onwards for many years to come.

Best wishes and best of health always from The Royans team.


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