Alternative VS Conventional Approach to Voice Repair and Vocal Problems. Natural and Holistic Treatments and Cure.

After nearly 30 years, my business has gradually turned, almost in its entirety, to the Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, which now, by osmosis, is a huge division of our original ‘The Royans Professional Vocal School’, founded in 1984. It seems like more and more people, (speakers and singers), have been experiencing mild and not-so-mild voice problems.

Interestingly enough, almost every one of them, at some point in time, accessed their physicians and ENT specialists. Strangely enough, not one of them was helped to overcome their voice problems.
At best, the medical professionals were able to offer some Botox treatments, especially for the Spasmodic Dysphonia sufferers and, or laser/scalpel surgical procedures. The Botox helped some patience momentarily, but then it got warn out and the symptoms of a nasty neurological disease of Spasmodic Dysphonia prevailed again. 
The polyps and nodules were yanked from the doomed patients’ throats, but they too, to the patients’ dismay, especially polyps, returned right back to their vocal cords and, in some cases, in multiplied amounts. And lastly, the cancer of throat survivors; I just had in my possession a professional musician from Niagara Falls US, who spent 40 years of his life on stage in various smoky clubs, gigging 7 days a week playing  guitar and singing (not necessarily properly) covered in the “blue light”, according to his own words. As a result, and at the age of 64 now, he got cancer of a tonsil.
 He was ordered numerous chemo and radiation treatments and, fortunately, his life has been saved, but he lost his saliva in its entirety, meaning that his throat had been super dry at all times and he has lost his kinesthetic touch also, especially in his fingers, which could be devastation for any professional guitar player. So his livelihood, being a professional musician, has been threatened and in jeopardy, as it is hard to play the guitar not feeling the strings, not to mention that even harder is to sing with a very dry throat which does not produce any moisture.
When this aforementioned gentleman addressed the above to the doctors, they told him to be grateful to be alive. It was implied that all his problems are not relevant and, needless to say, nobody offered any help to ease off his symptoms and also to help his voice to work in the fullest capacity possible, under the critical circumstances.
From my side, the help was offered and the result was delivered.
The person spent with me 5 days and acquired only 10 hours of a Non-Surgical Voice Repair course, as well as attended my Vocal Interactive Workshop for the next 10 hours in a group setting.
On his 3rd day, being under my care, he blew away the audience in our neighbourhood’s karaoke club, singing 50’s’ – 60’s standards. The people, who owned the place, were running after me, inquiring if he was indeed my student and asking me why I was hiding him all this time. I explained to them that he is an American and presently undergoing a pretty heavy-duty Voice Repair course with me.
They looked at me funny, thinking that I am creating an advertising story, shook their heads in disbelief and… continued praising him and his voice!

Go figure, but it’s all good!
Nevertheless, I do offer an actual and viable solution to people’s voice problems.
I solve it with my unique approach to voice mechanics and with the application of natural herbal and homeopathic remedies. I assess the cause and I provide the holistic cure, instead of just working on symptoms and never addressing the cause, like doctors usually do.
Needless to say, with the cure, the nasty symptoms will naturally disappear. Also, those people who used to “play by ear” now, as a positive side effect, will learn how to speak and sing properly with no strain or pain on their vocal anatomy, and the singers will finally comply with the standards of professional singing.
That said, without a doubt, the mission, as usual, has been accomplished!
The holistic cure has prevailed!


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