
Vocally Speaking and Otherwise… Be your Healthy Best! Prevent your Vocal Disorder!

Nowadays, my practice consists of at least 85-90% of Non-Surgical voice repair clients. It is unfortunate, but it is a fact. One of the reasons is that people, overall, are getting to be not as healthy as they used to be. Our earth is deeply polluted and respectively, and the food we eat and the air we breathe is also very toxic. A lot of voice disorder cases I am receiving are being affected environmentally, and then of course, a lot of them have been misusing their voices while speaking and, or, singing. But, first and foremost, the problem with the majority of cases begins with their inner health inadequacy. Also, a lot of those people are very intense, loud and extremely emotional. Right away, speaking loudly and forcefully, they are putting their vocal cords, and the whole vocal box in general, in great distress. They are straining their vocal cords and twisting their larynx on a consistent, everyday basis. Their posture is usually not intact as

Live Today, Love Today, Sing Today... Will There be a Tomorrow?

Everybody knows, and will be awaiting with anticipation, of what the predictions are - THE END OF THE WORLD... which is supposed to take place on December the 21st of the year 2012. I personally do not believe in it, but you never know... In Russia we say "there is now smoke without the fire". Therefore, every one of us has to have a reasonable doubt in our minds, hearts and souls... If it is the truth, have we accomplished everything we planned for this short or long life we've lived? Have we lived our lives to its fullest, have we sung to our heart's content, have we expressed our love to the world and to that particular one we truly have loved? In other words, have we succeeded so far and to the best of our knowledge in the time we have had, being present on this Earth? Running my own music business for nearly three decades, I've been hearing a lot of justifications: "not now, can not afford it now, some other time, when I find a better payi

X factor American Thanksgiving Episode The Emotions Were Flying as High as a Kite!

Yesterday, again, I was religiously watching yet another X Factor episode, which was dedicated to the American Thanksgiving Holiday. It was very emotionally charged, as the top 10 and the judges, especially the female clan, were crying, as for some reason, the participants were talking about the events which happened to them in the past, but not exactly the positive ones, for which they would want to be thankful, but rather, in my opinion, quite disturbing and intimate ones…  I suppose that was good for the show, but I am not sure if it was good for the performers, as a lot of them lost the quality of their singing , which is, in this instance, quite understandable.The question is, though, should they have had been driven to that state of mind, heart and soul, or rather, would that be more productive, performance wise, if it was a little less dramatic? For some of them, the emotions definitely took over, and their voices were not in their usual state. That, in f

Artists/Coaches vs. Coaches/Coaches...?
What about the technical merits of vocal performance?

Ever since 2002, I have been religiously watching all the reality TV shows concerning vocal performances. It started with American Idol , then it was followed by Canadian Idol and then, we got The Voice and almost right at the same time, we got X-Factor . Some of them are better than others, but all of them are quite entertaining. Sometimes, actually, they are almost too entertaining... What I mean by that is that the entertainment part is overshadowing the vocal performance part. In some cases, it looks ridiculous, as not every vocal performer is strong enough to offset the very good and strong dancers, not to mention tons of effects and "fireworks" on stage, so to speak. It does not actually help the artist to showcase their vocal talent. On the contrary, in my opinion, it is pretty distracting for the artist and for the audience. Also, especially this year, the quality of the vocal performance by the remaining top 10-12 participants has quite deteriorated