
Showing posts from December, 2020

Vocally Speaking. The Vocal Science (TM) Method. Become Non-Orthodox! Think out of the box.

    Vocally Speaking. The Vocal Science (TM) Method. Become Non-Orthodox! Think out of the box...  "Diana, God downloaded into you his gift"  - Patsy S of London UK. Let’s analyze; What does the Vocal Science™ method actually consist of, you, my reader may be wondering…? It does consist of a natural, holistic and completely alternative approach not only to the voice mechanics, but also to a person as a whole. What separates this method from other methods and why does this method work without failure? First a little bit about the conventional methods: There are vocal coaches for singers, there are speech therapists and speech pathologists for those who have some kind of voice disorder or voice issues and/or vocal problems. What do they really offer…? To tell you the truth, it is pretty hard to define. Vocal coaches are trying to teach their singing clients some strange (to put it mildly) exercises, which is remotely reminiscent of actual singing. Those coaches do al...

Vocal Science™ Method: “Save Myself From Myself.”

Vocal Science™ Method. “Save Myself From Myself.” This story is partially (as an example) about my former student Serge, an up-and-coming singer-songwriter born in Russia.   Serge initially came to me at 24 years of age. He seemed to be really interested in becoming a professional singer… But he was very inconsistent. He would come to my private lessons, stay for no more than a 10-hour course and then he would leave. In short, often he would come back just only for a vocal workshop, while there, he would get very excited actively participating in it and then he would leave again. This cycle repeated over and over again for 7 years… The last time we saw Serge was around the year 2017.   Prier coming back for his last round of lessons, Serge called me and said;” Diana, I need your help…”   I asked,” have you finally made a decision to become a professional singer?”   He replied, “not yet”.   I got a little puzzled and asked “ what is your purpose than…...