Spasmodic Dysphonia Treatment: Our Mission is Quality Personalized Voice Care! We also pay special attention to the "sensitive and afraid"...

There could be numerous causes for that nasty and serious disorder. 

Interestingly enough, the voice of the sufferer is greatly compromised; however, it is only a symptom and not the cause.  The causes could be induced by emotional, psychological and neurological traumas.

For example - a tragic event happens and a switch between autonomous actions that are coordinated between the brain and the control function of the neck, thyroid and larynx becomes affected. As a result, the ‘voice user’ experiences uncontrollable spasms within the neck structure/muscles and other areas that may not have been recorded, especially if they were not ever searched for.

Of course, it could also be due to the misuse of one’s voice, as well as via contracted viruses such as a severe infectious cold, flu, strep throat and whatnot.

I personally compare this nasty disorder to epilepsy and, in this context, I actually call it “Vocal Epilepsy”

The traumas also could be caused by negative environmental surroundings by means of air-born pollution. Chemicals that affect (and sometimes degrade) the cells within the brain that control autonomous motor functions within the body, may possibly result in spasmodic dysphonia as well.

Also, chemical agents like industrial strength detergents, bleach, and dangerous drugs like meth amphetamines, non-professional man-made hallucinogens, etc, can play a role in causing an environmentally-induced version of spasmodic dysphonia.

Now let’s find out about non-surgical treatments for this disorder.
Is it even possible?

My answer is yes, it is; but with great difficulty and only if it is not passed stage one, or maximum, two. I categorize this disorder into 4 stages (just like cancer, God forbid). So, if it is in the light or medium stage (stage one or two), the speech of the sufferer can be greatly improved.

When it comes to stage 3 and especially stage 4 (when you hardly hear a straight and clear speech), it is definitely much harder to greatly improve one’s condition.

Sometimes, spasmodic dysphonia disorder arises from the condition, which is known as Muscle Tension Dysphonia. In one of my previous blogs, I described a case where a person with muscle tension dysphonia disorder contacted me in the past, but for some reason, she did not take me up on my offer to give her instruction and treatment (when it was still possible to achieve some meaningful results). Later on, she contacted me again and told me that presently she had been diagnosed with Spasmodic Dysphonia. I asked her to give me a call before I would give her my commitment. She did and I, unfortunately, could hardly understand a word she had been saying.

She sounded like her condition, at that time, would be classified close to stage 4.

With all honesty, I told her that I would not be able to attend to her case with a guarantee (even employing my absolute best efforts) of any significant results. Unfortunately, in that particular case, the Non-Surgical (and I believe, even Surgical) treatment of any kind would be obsolete now.

There is a saying: “Time is healing”; but sometimes the time has passed when the voice repair could still be done. But too much time passing by can also be detrimental, and thus it can bring this serious voice condition to the point of no return.

Via special speech and breathing exercises, coupled with certain body movements, I can knock down a good amount of spasms and teach the person how to speak above them.

By learning a new application of the proper use of the voice, the person would learn how to lift their voice off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords while using a different set of muscles such as the sinus cavities (facial muscles). They, in turn, will begin to work in full conjunction and coordination with the abdominal muscles designed to help to achieve greater support of the ‘lift’ of the sound.

The sound will become much clearer, and less intermittent. The voice of the person of interest, nevertheless, will sound more clear, and thus more pronounced and annunciated. The specially designed breathing exercises will help immensely to reduce spasms. All of that could bring a person close to a definitive recovery; provided, of course, that the disorder is not too far advanced.

 So, if you find something unusual going on with your voice and your health in general, please seek immediate consult and try to get to the bottom of your voice/vocal issue while time is still on your side.

Spasmodic Dysphonia Treatment: Our Mission is Quality Personalized Voice Care! We also pay special attention to the "sensitive and afraid"...

Our Motto Is: To work with the person of interest hard and, nevertheless smart on the problems and issues of their speaking and/or singing voice. That means achieving the best possible outcome of the given matter and thus, getting it completed within the designated time frame.

Needless to say, at all times during the process of healing one’s voice, we are paying close attention to the minutest details in order to attain the absolute ultimate results! 


  1. Hi,

    I'm Divya. I live in India. i' suffering from spasmodic dysphonia adductor type for the past 7 years.My voice sounds very strained and i run out of breath while speaking.I underwent speech therapy, but wasn't much of a help.I would like to know if you offer consultations over skype. What would be your charges per consultation.


  2. Hi Divya,

    This is Jamie Mckay, Ms. Yampolsky's assistant and Office Manager of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, writing to you.

    Thank you for your comment and interest.

    If you would like to inquire about our services, in order for us to respond in the best way possible, please contact us via our official email:

    When responding to us via email, can you also provide us with more information.

    - Which part of India are you from? (For time zone matching)

    - Your age

    Thank you,

    Best regards,

    Jamie Mckay
    Office Manger
    The Royans Professional Vocal School
    Division of - The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair

    On behalf of -

    Diana Yampolsky B.M. Ed.
    World renowned Voice Repair Specialist
    Specializing in Extreme Voice Disorder Cases.
    Alternative and holistic approach to voice mechanics.
    The Royans Professional Vocal School
    075-0199-9319 While in the UK


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