Vocal Science: Regain Your Voice - Reclaim Your Life!

For at least the last 25 years, we have been specializing in extreme voice disorders such as: Muscle Tension Dysphonia Spasmodic Dysphonia Polyps & Nodules on the vocal cords Cysts & Lesions on the vocal cords and the throat Acid Reflux effecting the vocal box Laryngitis Sulcus Vocalis (enlarged gap between the vocal folds) Strained Vocal Cords Vocal Cord Paresis Partially Lost Voice - And that’s just to name a few. Both regular speaking people and or singers could possess the above-described vocal injuries. As strange as it sounds, the regular speaking people are taking their injuries much harder then the actual singers. In fact, in a lot of cases, singers may still have their speaking voices somewhat intact; and therefore, it is not that detrimental for them just to lose their singing voice capacity then for speakers to completely lose their tool for communication. Of course, no matter how you slice it, speakers and singers are both gre...