Could Speech Therapists (Or Speech Pathologists For That Matter), Attend To Singers With Voice Disorders?

Lately, for some mysterious reason, I hear more and more from people who used to be able to sing (or even professional singers with voice issues) contemplating to receive the treatment for their voice problems from speech therapists or speech pathologists…?

How logical is that?

Honestly, to me, it does not make any sense, as none of the above were ever trained how to become a singer or, nevertheless, knowing how to sing and, furthermore, how to treat singers from vocal diseases. Moreover, some of them actually suffer themselves from MTD (Muscle tension Dysphonia) or even SD (Spasmodic Dysphonia).

So their “claim to fame” is that they had (and majority of them still have) such vocal disorders themselves.

They brag about it, trying to convince a potential sufferer that they know all about it, since they have been suffering from the same thing…?

My question is: if they have been suffering from such disorders described above, how did they get it in the first place?

My wild guess would be that they (probably themselves) did not use the voice correctly; i.e., spoke a lot, spoke forceful and loud, had a very intense lifestyle and had no idea that all of that could effect their voice and bring it to such disorder…

If that is the case, how in the world could they help a person (especially a singer) with a voice disorder when they themselves have gotten in trouble with their voice (not knowing anything, at the time, about the consequences). And the best they could do is to pretend that nothing had happened; and if they even admitted that it had happened, they would use that occurrence to convince the potential clients (with similar vocal disorders) that they could help them.

My fear is that “they will help them alright”… to enhance their disorder and not to treat it or cure it by any means.

We, on the other hand, will help the vocal disorder to be treated (or even cured, in some cases) via our revolutionary Vocal Science ™ technique combined with our customized natural herbal and homeopathic remedies.

We have also developed complete beginner singers to well-known professional recording artists, performers and winners of numerous international vocal competitions.

To learn more, please refer to our extensive client list on our website:

We certainly hope that you come to your senses and realize that if your singing voice is out of sorts and in jeopardy to be lost for good, you will have to find a voice specialist who (nevertheless) had been a singer and educator (with extensive experience) specializing in singing voice mechanics and voice health.

For example:

Let’s suppose that an individual needs brain surgery.
Would they hire an orthopaedic doctor to perform it?

Sounds funny, doesn’t it?


So those speech therapists and pathologists, for that matter, presumably know something about the voice (if at all, it would be about the speaking voice), how in the world, when they never had sung a note themselves, they could help you, a singer with vocal problems…?

This is your riddle and daily digest.


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