Can You Face Your Vocal Problems, or Are You trying To Sugarcoat Your Feelings?
Do you know how to be true to your vocal problems and to yourself for that matter? Do you also know that any drugs, injections or even some natural remedies often, thus delay proper voice treatment and recovery? If you feel any changes in your voice whatsoever, please don’t ignore it! See a natural health/voice specialist as soon as possible! Don’t convince yourself that everything is fine and almost as good as before. You are experiencing some changes and (let me tell you) there is definitely no change without change. Something had happened! Maybe you had a virus, strep throat or just a simple flue? After recovering from any of the above, suddenly, you have discovered that your voice, per say, had not recovered. You are still speaking raspy and your voice still sounds hoarse. You, meanwhile, continuously trying to justify your voice condition by saying, “Oh. I’m just having a cold, or I just had a cold and my voice is still recovering”. So, some time ...