If you are unable (for whichever reason) to fly to Canada, we will fly to you...

What do we mean by that statement? Given the political situation nowadays, we have decided to increase our travel regime to our clients. Of course, we have done it before when clients were requesting us to do so. Now we are coming to you, (our potential clients), and are offering it to you outright to save you the hassle of traveling to a foreign country and, concurrently, to give you an opportunity to pursue your everyday routines with your children/parents, spouses and, if needed, work. We also understand that with the advisory being issued for international air travel, it became a little scary for some of our potential clients. We, (operating under the “Royans Universe”), feel quite safe to travel to you to fix your voice . So if the fear of terrorism is preventing you from traveling to us, (nevertheless, for a very good deed – to conquer your voice problems ), we are more than willing to come to you to solve all of your voice issue...