Vocally Speaking It May Not Be a Job, But It’s Definitely Hard (Smart) Work.
Evidently, and independently of age, social
background or education, the majority of people like to sing, some of them
recreationally, but a lot of them have dreams of one day becoming a
professional singer/performer.
Some people think; how hard could that be?? Let’s
just open the mouth and produce the loud sound from the bottom of the throat
and from the top of the lungs?
However, it would be easy if it wasn’t so hard.
These unaware and naive people also think that the
harder they push, the more they will accomplish. To their surprise, it works
exactly the opposite, and sometimes those experiments produce vocal injuries,
which are not always easy to reverse. For some reason the structure and the training is
not recognized in the field of the voice work. If the inexperienced figure
skater decides to jump triple axel without proper training, he will definitely
injure himself, and will be out of commission for some time.
Needless to say, it applies to gymnastics, ballet,
hockey, and other fields, which require precision. However, when people think
about singing, they presume that it has to come out naturally, and without any
required training. Unfortunately, some of them find out the consequences of the
above, the hard way.
They are trying and trying, pushing and pushing
their voices, until they cannot push any longer. Then, they begin to understand
that they actually need professional vocal help. However, now, the damage done,
needs to be reversed, and preferably non-surgically and naturally.
There are quite a few nasty voice disorders that
may occur while singing and speaking, for that matter, incorrectly. The voice
may become dry, as the vocal cords and other parts of vocal anatomy are
exhausted, and that’s how the growth like nodes, nodules, and polyps take
place. The voice also could get trapped in the neck
muscles, and that’s how the muscle tension dysphonia takes place. Now, the
voice is so to speak, trapped in its own ”jail”, which is not always easy to
come out of, unless you have the right “combination”, in a manner of speaking,
which will open that lock.
If the voice drops even lower in the position, then
even a nastier disorder may take place. Now we’re talking about spasmodic
dysphonia, which is equivalent to epilepsy, in a manner of speaking. In other
words, the voice begins to spasm un-voluntarily, and thus produces a very
distinct, howling sound.
The latter in the medical field, presumes to be
un-curable. The only “cure”, the doctor’s offer are Botox injections in one’s
neck and vocal cords.
Sometimes it does help temporarily, sometimes it doesn’t
at all.
The actual cure, definitely, does not occur.
So, the moral of it is: do not attempt anything you
do without professional expertise.
When you get professional coaching and guidance,
you might find that it is not a job, of course, but it is hard and smart work,
which involves a lot of components outside of the actual voice. In order to
produce the desirable results, the whole human being has to be, so to speak,
scanned. When I do my work, I go as far, as the childhood,
upbringing, social background, and many other important components, which will definitely
be reflected in one’s voice. I said it many times before, that the voice is an
identification of which you are, and a reflection of the state of your being.
Therefore, if you’re only working on the voice, you’re
only working on the surface, which means the results will be shallow, and most
likely not accountable for. If you work on the human being as a whole, and on
each and every component of his physicality, and spirituality, the voice will
reflect the depth, and the uniqueness of one’s personality. Needless to say, that the tone of the voice will
become distinct and with the “signature”. It is after all, an integration and
synergy, nevertheless, a marriage between the mental, spiritual, physiological,
and vocal state.
Given the above, you may probably already
understand that the voice work is much more complex than screaming, screeching,
and pushing from the wrong parts of the anatomy.
So work hard, but smart and you will achieve the
results you’ve been looking for and dreaming about.
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