The incorrect application of the speaking and/or singing voice... If the latter occurs... What can be the Consequences?

Sometimes, people use their speaking and/or their singing voice in the incorrect manner.
In fact, the misuse of the human voice begins from the voice being drawn in the lower throat position, which often results in a lower volume, and also, quite often results in a raspy and hoarse sounding voice.
In some cases, it’s just a result of the manner in which the person speaks and/or sings.

Unfortunately, in North American Schools, nobody teaches children and later on young adults, how to speak, i.e., how to conduct themselves (posture-wise) while speaking and delivering the message.
Also, in North American schools, nobody teaches students how to articulate, as well as how to pronounce and announce the words clearly...
That is, almost needless to mention, use the proper emphases and inflections while pronouncing certain words and/or singing certain phrases.

If those components are not addressed, and thus, the voice is drawn deeply to the bottom of the vocal box, the person could experience what's called acid reflux.
In this instance, the vocal cords could get easily burned by the gastric acid.
When doctors diagnose acid reflux, they offer the prescribed medication which, supposedly, will "cure" the sufferer's acid reflux and moreover, will “cure” their burned vocal anatomy.

Go figure!

The truth is that the cure, most likely, will not happen, unless the voice is recovered from the depths of its position and then brought to the surface and to the proper position which would be located above the vocal cords. Once the voice is lifted (above the vocal cords), and being structured, placed and projected outward, the gastric acid will stop burning the vocal cords further, and thus, at least from the vocal health point-of-view, the acid reflux cure will naturally take place.

With respect to the singing voice, the problem is often the same.

If the speaking voice is being used with the wrong application of it, then, respectively, the singing voice, by the law of averages, most likely, will not thrive either. Therefore, I start every session (speaking or singing), with specially developed speech exercises, which are designed to structure, place and project the voice to its aimed destination and upon predominant design.

The mechanism which will allow the human voice (speaking or singing), to work in its fullest capacity possible, WILL NOW BE IN TACT!

With that said, all the obstacles preventing the speaking and/or singing voice from working in the fullest capacity possible, will be removed!!


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