Voice Damage - You Save the Money...! You "Won" the Case...! But... You are Left with All the Damages!

Since I am (looks like it) the one and only vocal specialist who is offering a very unique voice/vocal instruction and treatment via non-surgical voice repair, I am getting a lot of inquiries via e-mail and sometimes over the phone.

People are writing to me somewhat generic e-mails, complaining about the occurrence of their nasty symptoms usually associated with voice/vocal damage, and, guess what my reader, they want me, via e-mail, or even better yet (they think)... Zoom treatment... and, nonetheless, even a cure...?

In lieu of the above, I offer to speak with them over the phone in order to clarify all their voice problems and even some other issues in general.
Those who agree to do so (while keeping me on the phone endlessly) are talking about themselves and their problems for hours, not listening to what I am saying or trying to say, for that matter, to have a two-way conversation with me.
While others continue writing endless emails, and quite a few of them, are insisting on the Zoom conversation and, nonetheless, treatment or even cure of their voice/vocal problem somehow... virtually.
Go figure! 

However, it seems like some people, especially those who are struck by MTD or SD seem to have no concept of phone conversations whatsoever.
They only (it seems to be) are using their phones for texting and e-mailing and very seldom for actual phone conversations. 
Or they appoint their relatives like spouses, sisters, brothers and whomever else to speak for them.
It looks like it never comes to their mind that I need to hear the actual voice of the actual voice problem sufferer in order to see (hear) if and how I can help that person. 
Hypothetically speaking: I guess "it would be too easy", wouldn't it be...?
And no matter what I tell them on the phone, there is no listening or hearing, for that matter...

Moreover, I have to say, that the voice damage issues (in some cases) are quite often belonging to the medical field, which means there are some underlying causes lying beneath that voice issue(s)...

I'm wondering, would it occur to those people's minds to e-mail the medical doctor and not only ask him, virtually, to help them, but also would ask the doctor to reveal the previous patient's files and personal information, which, needless to say, should be private and confidential, if the professional in question is to comply with the confidentiality code. 

The above makes me wonder...

However, after not just one, but numerous inquiries from the same individual, they would never pick up the phone when I wanted to confirm some details with them and outline the best course of action on how to help them better.

Nevertheless, I need to hear the person's voice to determine if it is my case and if I can attend to it.

I need to hear the emotion on the other end, indicating their willingness and lovingness to have their vocal problem solved, and of course, express that they are ready to travel to my office/studio in Toronto Canada in order to allow me to help them actually conquer their voice/vocal problem, and whichever other underlying health problems, which, in some cases, greatly affect their voice. 

However, some of them, do pick up the phone and even make some tentative commitment to come for a few days and work with me on their voice/vocal problem(s). 

Needless to say, all the voice problems are different and all of them have a different degree of difficulty attending to them.

All my courses and treatments are structured in 30-40-hour increments (minimum protocol for voice repairs).

In the not-too-distant past, I had an e-mail from a person who said that she thoroughly investigated my site, read all of my articles and blogs and came to the decision that I am the one she would trust to work on her voice.

She even had the date set for her arrival in Toronto and was all ready to embark on non-surgical voice repair instruction coupled with the natural herbal and some homeopathic treatments.

She told me that she's an older person who has been doing public speaking for years and described that now, she's coughing and clearing her throat at all times and also, apparently, has bleeding vocal cords.
All of the above described, evidently, have been infringing greatly on her public speaking livelihood.

When I saw that e-mail, I replied with first of all the suggestion to call me and to discuss all of it over the phone. And secondly, I "speculated" that she definitely, at an absolute minimum, would need at least 30 hours if not all 40 hours of instruction and treatment with me. I, however, "did not dare" to talk to her about 40 hours at all, and only offered her 30.

She became very angry and pointed out that somewhere on my website, she saw that I was offering 10 hours for under $4,000.00 and that was good enough for her. It was true (in the century 20), but even then it had been only applied to local people, as they are able to keep repeating multiple courses in 10-hour increments, and also were applied mainly for singing and speech courses and not for voice repair courses and treatments. 

There was absolutely no listening or reasoning I could have attributed to that person.

I even gave her an example that the Dr. B Diet Clinic here in Toronto where their Doctor guarantees 20 pounds of weight loss over a month-long period of time, provided that the person would follow the very strict protocol.

Let's say somebody would need to lose 50 pounds and not just 20. 

Would they hold it against the doctor that they would have to pay for the next 30 pounds to be lost and attend the clinic for the next 3-5 months to achieve their goal? Would they actually expect to lose all 50 pounds in one month...?

If it was the case, and if it would take place in Russia, somebody would simply call 911 and would commit that person to a mental institution.
I, personally, could not agree with them more, as, in my opinion, it would be the right course of action to do so!

Moreover, in the end, this very person said that she found an opera singer (note that she is not even a singer herself), who supposedly will cure her pretty severe vocal problem (concerning her speech)...

On this note, I can only say: Good Luck!

She, meanwhile, is quite happy, as she saved some money...?

Whether or not she will get anything out of it, remains to be seen. Somehow, I greatly doubt it.

She did, however, acknowledge that that opera singer did not sound as good and promising as me, but she was happy to save the money. Go figure!

Well, maybe they're right and I'm wrong, and maybe they "won" the case, as they did not leave their couch and did not travel to me for our mutual work on their vocal problem, or maybe, next time, they would choose a gynecologist or proctologist to work on their voice and mainly, brain problem (to embark on the latter would be definitely recommended) and would be happy about it (lol).
Who knows?

But the question, though, remains to be open... WHERE DOES IT LEAVE THEM?

Perhaps on the couch, perhaps feeling right, in their own mind and in some cases, even happy because they saved the money for the travel and for the instruction and the needed treatment.

But guess what?


So, the case is adjourned and might finally get dismissed, because, by the time they will come to their senses (if they ever will), it might be already beyond non-surgical voice repair, whereas at that time, there will be a great possibility that even I would not be able to help them.

In my opinion (and in the interim), they should start praying LONG and HARD and maybe God, eventually, will hear and maybe even answer their prayers...?


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