Damaged Vocal Cords, Bleeding Polyps, Nodules, Nodes, Dysphonia, and etc.
Does it have Anything to do with the Conventional Vocal Training?
Yes, the answer is that unfortunately it does have a lot to do with the conventional vocal coaching or self-inflicted bad vocal habits. The conventional vocal coaching suggests to the artists to drop the jaw down, to stick the stomach out and to drown the voice as low and as deep as possible into one's anatomy...? Let's analyze this and examine if there are any logical grounds underneath of those methods. To my knowledge and everybody else's knowledge who at least attended Grades 6 or 7 physics and geometry classes, that the sound is a physical, material body and it travels as such. If you visualize a pitcher, would you visualize him pitching the ball downward or rather above and on top of his physical body, trying to establish a high altitude and thus, a high level of flight trajectory to achieve the aimed destination with his thrown ball? Respectively, the sound will also fly on top and above of the physical anatomy, taking the centre of the physical body for c...