American Idol Season 11
"Fear Factor" or "Survivor" Television Shows...

I have to say that this 11th season of American Idol is extremely exciting to watch.

The quality of the auditioners is much higher than in any previous years.

The judges are much more objective and really looking out for the quality of singing more than ever before.

I do agree with their choices close to 100%! For the record: Trust me, it's a very high mark in my standards.

To their credit, they really did raise the bar of vocal performance quality.

But for what cost though and on whose account?

Unfortunately, on the account of the participants who are ultimately teenagers and young adults.

I've never seen in previous shows, people literally falling off of the stage, passing out of the exhaustion and literally losing their consciousness and were not able to stand on their feet.

In times I felt that I was watching some episodes of "Grey's Anatomy", "House" or in previous years, "Chicago Hope". All of those shows were dedicated to their respective hospitals events.

I guess the "Fear Factor" of the participants perhaps not to be chosen by judges, had something to do with them falling ill.

The Survivors, however, persevered and moved on to the next level.

To me however, outside of the better quality of singing, performance and what not, the health factor seemed to be as important, because if they did not possess enough health to go through the competition's challenges, no matter how talented they would be, they simply would not survive health wise.

On the other hand though, to become and sustain being a performer, you do have to be as healthy as a horse. After all, you have to survive those nasty tours and sometimes over 200 concerts in a short period of time.

Your immunity has to be built like a horse's and your voice has to be taken care of simultaneously.

When the young performer makes it on top, the music industry machine takes over their lives. They are working them to the bone physically, emotionally and vocally.

Therefore, my advice would be to those who don't possess the health stamina, not to thrive to be a huge celebrity, but work on the indie level and on their own pace.

For those who are lucky with their immunity and health overall, my advice would be to get vocally fit, as the vocal cords evidently are not made from steel and therefore, could break of wear and tear at any given time, especially when there is so much pressure that rides on the vocal cords and the vocal box in general.

For the future reference, as for the producers, I would advise them to pair up and affiliate with one of the above aforementioned shows from "Fear Factor" and "Survivor" to "Grey's Anatomy" and "Chicago Hope". They could also look into "St. Elsewhere" and "Amazing Race" (lol).


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