Vocal Coaching with “Benefits” - What’s That?
How even celebrities could benefit from the latter

What are the benefits you may ask? I will try to specify it for you and just will name a few. 
Let’s suppose that you know a lot about computers, but do you know how to fix it if something goes wrong? Let’s say you’re a good driver, but if you break down in the middle of the trip, will you be able to fix your car and continue your road adventure? The majority of people will not be able to do that and they will rely on professional help. 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, as nobody could be good and knowledgeable at everything. However, some people do not admit it and try to rectify all the problems themselves and quite often fail to do so and do rather more damage than good. If to refer to the music business, I can forever elaborate about my experience (vocal consultant expert in studio) working with music producers who were claiming and posing for the great wizards in vocals. I can assure you, being working in studio productions for over 35 years that in 99 and a half per cent of the time, it wasn’t the case. Moreover, in some cases, the vocal performance was completely destroyed and was already by that time, beyond repair. In more severe cases (needless to say, without my presence in the studio) the voice was almost completely destroyed as well, by numerous and hours long repetitions of the same high range notes, while the artist was trying desperately to hit them by fluke without any proper guidance. Nevertheless, the latter was suggested and enforced by the producers involved.
So, the benefit number one of the vocal coaching is to be able to assist a trained artist not just in your studio, but in the recording studio with both -  technically and stylistically. 
The benefit number two is to be able to instill confidence into the artist to the degree when the artist can reciprocate at least 95% of the recorded performance live on stage. The knowledge which the artist is supposed to get during the voice training and recording should shine out during the live performance as well and stand on its own leg, using the background dancers and choirs supplementally and not instead of the main act.
And lastly, while doing all of that, do not forget about the main component - health and safety of the voice. It’s very easy in the heat of the moment to push harder - to sing louder - and then before you know, the vocal cord snaps. In my book, “Vocal Science - Flight to the Universe” it’s called “Vocal Impotence - In Need of Vocal Viagra?”. Indeed, the vocal cord may lose its elasticity and strength, thus ability to perform in its full capacity. Just like a guitar string which was strummed too hard and too many times and then, as a result, hung right off the deck. The difference is that you can put a new string on the aforementioned guitar, but can you put a new vocal cord in your vocal box? UNFORTUNATELY NOT!!! 
So please save and protect the existing vocal cords and remember that your vocal anatomy can take only so much, as it’s evidently not made of steel. 
If, unfortunately, it already happened, there may be help on its way:
Non-Surgical Voice Repair
God forbid you need it, but if you do? 
With the proper technique which does not require the excessive use of the vocal anatomy and with natural herbs and remedies, which will greatly aid your voice and your vocal cords, per say, it’s actually achievable in the majority of cases. 
Please remember that any invasive laser surgery or scalpel surgery may not rectify the problem and moreover could leave a scar tissue. The perfect example would be Julie Andrews who never could regain her singing voice due to unsuccessful surgery, which left her with the scar tissue. 
So practice safe singing or you might be left voiceless! God forbid...


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