Voice Acupuncture
Everybody knows that acupuncture is a Asian medical practice that originated in China and is now very popular and practised all around the world. This art falls into the holistic philosophy of overall health and well being. In acupuncture, fine needles are inserted at specific points to stimulate, disperse, and regulate the flow of chi, or vital energy, and restore a healthy energy balance. Similarly, the Vocal ScienceTM method finds the certain spots and channels in one’s body to activate the human voice and make it work at the fullest capacity possible. For singers this method knocks down the years of practice of increasing the volume and projection on their voices and mainly corrects the pitch and vastly increases the range. By pointing out to the singer exactly how to attack and place the sound, his whole performance becomes predominantly designed and, thus, aimed to its final destination upon design. For speakers, this method assures a proper volume, enunciation, infle...