
What Is the Nature and also the Cause of Spasmodic Dysphonia? Case Studies:

Is Spasmodic Dysphonia always the cause of a spasming and/ or generally-malfunctioning voice, or could it be just multiple - and very nasty - symptoms induced by the injury(s) occurred within the vocal anatomy? Over many years, I have been tending to numerous of people with the diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) . I would like (down the road) to present to you (my reader) several cases with different causes, treatments and outcomes after all of the above: About the latest case of Tanya G, you already know in general that Tanya came to us to Toronto, Canada all the way from New Zealand in hopes of the complete recovery of her voice from her Abductor SD. Let’s examine what the very specific instruction and treatment process actually entailed and whether or not it was possible to achieve a complete cure of a generally-incurable voice disorder within only 50 hours of instruction and treatment. In a nutshell, below is Tanya’s story: Tanya told me that before such occur

From New Zealand to Toronto - Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia Case - Progress Report!

Upon completion of 50 hours of instruction and treatment, we would like to bring to your attention a testimonial, provided to us by Tanya G - Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder sufferer from New Zealand. This testimonial contains a dialogue between Diana Yampolsky and Tanya. - Please see below - Tanya: My name is Tanya G and I had been diagnosed with the Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder.   I came all the way from New Zealand, which took 26 hours to fly to Toronto. As of today, I had done 50 hours of instruction for my voice recovery and the process of it has been very difficult, to say the least. But I have gotten the “tools” to go home with to work hard and bring my voice to where I want it to be. Diana: Was it worth the flight?   Tanya: Yes, it definitely was. Diana: - However, your expectations were for a full recovery within those 50 hours; as you understand now yourself, it was not possible to achieve the full voice recovery in

Attention Spasmodic Dysphonia Sufferers: We can assure you that there is hope for a full recovery of your voice - in most cases!

Please read below the synopsis of our present voice repair client and SD sufferer, Tanya G. We have just received a client suffering from the Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder . She came to us (just 4 days ago) from another side of the planet - New Zealand! We’ve learned that it took her over 22 hours to fly to us - to Toronto, Canada. To date, Tanya, under my thorough guidance, completed 20 hours of a very intense voice instruction coupled with a natural herbal treatment. In my estimate, our client’s Spasmodic Dysphonia disorder originally was determined to be between stage 1 and even possibly 2. In my previous blog about the same voice matter, I specified that in “my books”, this very nasty voice disorder possesses 4 stages, whereas the stage 3 and 4 could be somewhat treatable, but usually never curable (at least to my knowledge and experience). Tanya and I are working very hard, executing very detailed instructions (bringing it almost to forensic science)… The pr

Voice Repair or Human Being Repair…? That is the Question.

- Holistic approach to a person as a whole - Case study of our present student of Indian descent. G.B is our present student - a male of 27 years of age.  5 years ago, he came to Toronto from India to become a student in one of our colleges to take a business program. Prior to that, he attended a college in India (computer engineering) and successfully graduated from both programs - in India and in Toronto, Canada. You would think, my reader, that with two colleges under his belt, so to speak, he would be now a successful employee or even an employer of any of the companies/businesses of his choice. However, instead of the latter, he ended up being employed here in Toronto as a truck driver… Why? - you, my reader, may ask. My answer ( given 16 hours of my work with him to date ) would be: Somewhat voice delivery problem, Pretty heavy accent. And, nonetheless… overall insecurity. Let’s examine why he enrolled in our program which is called “ The Total Communic