
The Royans School/Royans Institute... Where did we come from and where are we now...?

  1984…The Birth of The Royans Professional Vocal School AKA The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts! An excerpt from the book by Diana Yampolsky titled: "Vocal Science ™ - Flight to the Universe". Originally Published in the Year 2000.  In 1984, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts was launched by myself and my common-law husband and partner, Ted Kowalczyk. Ted was a former opera singer who had become exposed to my new technique. We first met while singing in a choir together. From the first time he heard my voice, he was fascinated by its beauty and fullness and asked me if I would give him some private lessons. I agreed… And over the course of his instruction, he was stunned by the results we achieved, which were by far greater than he had ever experienced in his previous years of education (he was a graduate of the Warszawa Conservatory of Music). However, I still thought that the (what is called now the Vocal Science™) Method, was still quite raw a...