
Is it possible to become a decent or even a professional singer in a matter of hours, and not years?

The answer to the above is yes. How so, you may ask? Everybody knows and mainly believes that you have to spend quite a few years to become a good singer and even more years to become a professional singer. That could be true in the conventional understanding of the vocal coaching and their well-known and recognised methods. I advocate my own, developed from scratch, Vocal Science ™ method and attached to it a revolutionary approach to voice mechanics.  I found a short and efficient cut to trigger the voice to work in its fullest capacity possible and with no pain or strain on the vocal anatomy whatsoever.   I do work on the brain and on the full physiology, via method of visualisation and via triggering certain muscles in the body, employing certain physical movements, which bring the intangible and abstract approach to a tangible understanding and certain feelings in the body and the voice, respectively. Once the person understands the intellectual part of the equation,

Acid reflux in General... How does it affect one’s voice and vocal anatomy as a whole?

More and more people have been calling our professional vocal school and its division, The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, and addressing that they are suffering from a very unpleasant problem – acid reflux, which not only has been affecting their internal gastric anatomy, but also has been known to affect the quality of their voice. Some of them have been concerned about their singing voice, but a lot of them were just ordinary people, whose speech was also compromised by the nasty symptoms of Acid Reflux. The presence of this condition has been literally burning and inflaming their vocal cords. In this case, the  throat flora gets disturbed, and people also quite often experience a sharp pain in the throat.  Besides which, their inflamed vocal cords usually become thicker thus making their surface feel (by their own description) as rough as sandpaper... The recent client with the above-described symptoms revealed that she was ordered a gastr

Repair Your Voice and Protect it for a Lifetime.

More and more, I am getting inquiries from people who have problems with their voice . Some of them ruined it due to wrong application of their voice while incorrectly speaking and/or singing. Some of them acquired some kind of a virus-like strep throat infection or random various respiratory inflammations. Others had weird accidents, like bicycle, car or construction; the results of which actually, physically, damaged their vocal anatomy. Some people have had even unrelated surgeries where the breathing tubes were installed incorrectly and thus, their throats were, literally, ruined. However, independently of the cause, all of them have had some similar symptoms like 'raspiness', hoarseness, difficult and slow speech, and in some cases, slight or heavy stuttering/involuntary spasms. So, independently of the cause, all of them have been in need of a voice repair , and needless to say, all of them were hoping for a non-surgical solution.  Is it possible, you ma

Vocal Folds Growth… How dangerous is it, and what could happen if left untreated?

Lately, I have been having more inquiries about almost all types of growth on the vocal folds (vocal cords). The most “popular” inquiries are about nodules on the vocal cords and, nonetheless, also polyps on the vocal folds. Over the years, I, non-surgically, have treated all kinds of unpleasant vocal disorders, and I have to say that the polyps are the most stubborn of all. Moreover, they have tendencies to multiply even after they have been removed surgically. A good example of that would be the case of a singer named John Mayor.   Polyps have some kind of a viral nature, opposed to nodes and nodules.   I believe that due to that, they could multiply and multiply fast. I also know the cases where those nasty polyps turned cancerous. Not too long ago, I got a phone call from an apparently quite known solo Artist’s husband.   According to him, his wife, a solo guitar player and singer, was diagnosed with a polyp on the vocal cord 6 years ago. She was offered surgical removal of