Acid Reflux - How Does it Affect One's Voice and What Are the Consequences of That Voice/Vocal and, Nevertheless, Health Disorder(s)?
Nearly every other person that comes to our enterprise for a Non-Surgical Voice Repair accelerated voice/vocal immersion course, states that they were diagnosed with Acid Reflux, and about 99% of the time that diagnosis is mistaken to be the cause of voice/vocal problems rather than the effect of the improper application of the voice causing the voice problem/vocal disorders in the first place. It seems that "Acid Reflux" is now a general catch-all label used by doctors, speech therapists and speech pathologists for patients who they are not able to help or don’t know how to help... (which seems to be most of the time). Those medical professionals are usually prescribing drugs, which are actually available over the counter such as Nexium, Zantac, etc. In any case, those drugs almost never produce any tangible results and the person still complains even more about a dry and itchy throat, hoarseness and an inability to speak or let alone sing clearly. In reality, t...