
Showing posts with the label voice disorder

Speakers and Singers: Can You Hear Yourself Thinking?

If you can, you will be able to use your voice, by design, and think on a parallel track and in synchronicity with your speaking or singing . Nevertheless, this is an invaluable skill to have. The fact is that the majority of people do not possess that skill, as they are simply out-of-balance and out of alignment. Some of them think long and hard before producing the speaking or singing sounds and thus, evidently, “missing the boat”. The others, opposite; they speak and sing without boarders and think, if at all, after the fact. It is especially crucial for those who have been undergoing a non-surgical voice repair ordeal . In fact, the above-described imbalance was also a contributing factor to their voice disorder  in the first place. The human being who is, in fact, in balance, is most likely able to think and act on a parallel track, which means that his/her subconscious mind and conscious mind are aligned and thus, work on a parallel track with each

You've Got a Voice Disorder... It Obviously Affected your Life. What Does it Take to Claim your Life back?

When you got any voice disorder, your life could change (and not for the better), momentarily...  Just in the recent past, you were a regular person like everybody else, and that one morning when you woke up, you felt that your voice is a little shut down and that you had to clear your throat extensively to bring any sound out to the surface.  "That was quite unusual" you might have thought, and hoped that all of it would go away soon.  You started thinking that your bedroom was quite dry and maybe, in the recent past, you had some cold, and maybe the new showed-up symptoms were just the residuals of the latter.  You went through your day, still feeling uncomfortable with your voice and even feeling that something just got stuck inside of your throat.  By the evening, you also started feeling a pain in your neck and shoulders, and overnight, your throat was 'literally' on fire, as the gastric acid began burning your vocal cords .  Due to that, so

Conventional Speech Therapy Versus Vocal Science™ Method. What Works and What Is Greater?

Lately, I’m dealing with a lot of clients (young and old) with the voice/speech problems. Most of them spent months or even years with speech therapists and speech pathologists. Some of them have gone to the regular check-ups with their ENT specialists and (in the final analysis) had not accomplished anything with respect to a resolution to their voice problem(s). How frustrating could that be?  It is extremely sad for them and their relatives, not to mention that the majority of those poor people, understandably, keep coming in and out of depression. Some of them lost their professions and their hobbies for that matter, like singing, for example, or playing some sports. Sometimes even watching some sport or concert events (in their case) could become a big challenge. It is usually quite noisy in those venues, and those with voice problems feel even more silenced as they cannot compete with the screaming crowd. Some of them have lost hope, some of them are still researching

How the quality of voice affects the quality of life.

When the person with a voice disorder is trying to live a (so to speak) normal life, he/she is definitely experiencing some difficulties in communication with others; nevertheless, at their work place and even in their family lives. They are usually very frustrated with their voice which is not, by far, sounding the same as before. They are also not very well understood and are, quite often, being asked several times to repeat or to reiterate what they were trying to say. That makes those people with voice disorders understandably very irritable and overall, very emotional. They feel like they are handicapped (in a manner of speaking), and understandably so. Some of them are so disillusioned that they carry with them a sign, advising the strangers that they have difficulty to speak. Others who have lost the hope to regain a normal voice are even starting to learn sign language.  How sad is that?  A lot of those people have lost hope with respect of living their norma

Vocalscience ™ Method - The Alternative Approach to Speaking and Singing.

We often hear the saying, “ you are what you eat”. I can also, with absolute certainty, say that you are what you speak and sing. How so, you may ask? With the holistic approach in mind, I should mention that the voice (in my definition) is an expression of who you are and identification of the state of your being. The voice is a very important tool for communication. When you speak with the person, by his/her voice tone, you can determine the person’s mood and even the state of the person’s health; especially if you are at least somewhat familiar with that person. On that note, I could say that when I work with the Voice Repair client and get their voice 'out of their throat' by restructuring it to the facial and abdominal muscles, the person starts sounding completely different, i.e., the voice starts to sound much healthier, more vibrant, more colorful and more reflective of the actual person’s make-up. The sound becomes much clearer

Voice Disorder… Symptoms and causes. What is the most efficient way to conquer it?

Lately, I have been attending to more and more voice disorders of all types and kinds. Majority of them have had similar symptoms, but, needless to say, not necessarily the similar causes. The symptoms usually consist of hoarseness, sore throat, pain while talking and/or singing, burning vocal cords (usually from excess of gastric acid, which shoots directly up the throat, especially if the voice is positioned quite low in the vocal box). Those nasty symptoms make a person quite miserable and depressed. It does interfere with their careers, even when they are not necessarily singers. They often are asked if they have a cold, or what is wrong with them or their voices in particular. Some male voices turn soprano’ish and those males often mistaken for females. It is quite disheartening for all the people who experience some kind of voice disorders, as their lives, in one way or another, have been disrupted. Strangely enough, though some of them are looking for a magic

Vocally Speaking and Otherwise… Be your Healthy Best! Prevent your Vocal Disorder!

Nowadays, my practice consists of at least 85-90% of Non-Surgical voice repair clients. It is unfortunate, but it is a fact. One of the reasons is that people, overall, are getting to be not as healthy as they used to be. Our earth is deeply polluted and respectively, and the food we eat and the air we breathe is also very toxic. A lot of voice disorder cases I am receiving are being affected environmentally, and then of course, a lot of them have been misusing their voices while speaking and, or, singing. But, first and foremost, the problem with the majority of cases begins with their inner health inadequacy. Also, a lot of those people are very intense, loud and extremely emotional. Right away, speaking loudly and forcefully, they are putting their vocal cords, and the whole vocal box in general, in great distress. They are straining their vocal cords and twisting their larynx on a consistent, everyday basis. Their posture is usually not intact as