
Showing posts with the label vocal coaching

How to Save and Protect your Speaking and Singing Voice for a Lifetime!

More and more, we are hearing about well-known artists losing their voices, cancelling their shows and tours and undergoing vocal surgeries. Nevertheless, the amateur singers lose their voices in an everyday basis as well, we just don’t hear about it as much. And lastly speakers: They are caught completely by surprise when their speaking voice seizes on them “out of the blue” or, at least, they think so. In reality, the voice loss is always premeditated. The worse it is for speakers, as they’re completely not expecting anything like that and the lost voice is getting them, the least to say, in shock. The fact is that they do not realize that the voice is a vulnerable organ and could break very easily. Singers are, by far, more aware about it and those who proceed with caution, so to speak, are able to keep their voice healthy and lengthy for the rest of their lives. So what about those who don’t know about voice preservation? We have the answer for th

Do you have a hoarse voice and, perhaps, laryngitis? Can anything be done about it?

Attention all Speakers and Singers! If you have noticed that your speaking or singing voice is not performing as per usual and rather sounds lower and somewhat hoarse, PLEASE STOP !!! If you continue speaking in your usual manor and disregard the fact that your voice is feeling scratchy and your throat is feeling itchy, you might lose your voice completely and for some time ahead. Singers: please do not continue singing if you have noticed that it is much harder now to reach your high notes, which normally would not be a problem and if you have to push and pull your voice out of your inflamed, sore throat . At that time, you may also notice that your voice has deepened and has begun to sound scratchy and hoarse. If you don’t stop in time and look into your voice and vocal anatomy problem, that could be very much the end of your singing career. Coaching and repairing voices for over 40 years , I had a lot of cases where the performer did not stop on time

Non-Surgical Voice Repair: Could You Prevent & Should You Try To Avoid A Vocal Surgery?

Firstly, the answer for the question whether or not you can prevent a vocal surgery, in majority of cases would definitely be yes. We have seen and heard a lot of artists with great talents and beautiful songs , but the majority of those artists, unfortunately, did not have much of an idea about proper vocal technique, which actually would prevent those beautiful natural voices from, in some cases, severe damage. They’re usually picked up by the industry based on their talents, looks, and in some cases, well-written songs. Also, I will never forget, “until the day I die”, when I had an appointment with Sony Music Canada, and before starting the conversation about my own artist, the two Sony executives, almost, right away, when I sat down on the chair in their office, exclaimed: “Where have you been when we needed you last night? We flew over an artist from Vancouver and could hardly pull out any vocals out of him! It was more like we were pulling out our own

Serious, Or Quite Serious, Non-Surgical Voice Repair Ordeal… Is it Possible To Conquer Vocal Damage in Just 10 hours?

Working with voice repair clients for over 4 decades, I have determined that any voice disorder requires at least 30 hours of intense and tedious instruction and natural herbal and, in some cases, homeopathic treatment. The voice repair sufferer should understand that not only their speaking and/or singing voices have to be fixed, but it also requires the adaptation of the new modality of the completely new behavior with respect of using speaking, and especially, singing voice. Moreover, after the voice is fixed and the new vocal behavior has been established, the, so to speak, “screws” have to be tightened to confirm the new adapted habits. The intellectual understanding of the very intelligent method of visualization has to be interconnected with the motor skills and the kinesthetic feel. It also requires an establishment of the muscle memory such as facial muscles adapting the sound, and upper and lower abdominal muscles which require to work