
An Alternative Method of Speech Therapy may be the answer for the Treatment of a Raspy and Hoarse Voice.

Has the quality of your voice been compromised due to chronic hoarseness? If you are suffering from this ever-growing voice problem, The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair can help to fix it. - Before we go into what it takes to completely eliminate hoarseness, we must gain a better understanding of what exactly it is. So to make things clear, hoarseness is a symptom, not a disease. It is an abnormal change in your voice caused by a variety of conditions. Due to these conditions, the voice may exhibit a change in pitch and volume, ranging from a deep, harsh voice to a weak raspy voice. The most common cause for this is what is known as acute laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords) which is most often caused by an upper respiratory tract infection (usually viral), and it also can be caused by overuse or misuse of the voice (like singing loudly or yelling). If you tend to use your voice a lot and are experiencing hoarseness, the strain on your voice

Information About Vocal Paralysis And Whether or Not It Could Be Treated Non-Surgically.

Every human, at some point in their lives, experiences a change when it comes to their voice. Some of those changes are natural & some changes are abnormal. Sometimes, those abnormal changes are so severe, they may even warrant an investigation with respect to finding out where the underline cause lies. This leads to the discovery of voice problems and what they signify with regards to one’s health. In this article, we will focus on a particular voice disorder known as vocal cord paralysis; it’s causes, symptoms and the options that are available in order to effectively treat it.   Introduction Vocal paralysis is a condition where one or both vocal cords are unable to move due to various factors – most of which derive from nerve damage (specifically, the nerves that activate the muscles within the vocal cords). In some cases, the above happens to stroke victims, throat cancer victims/survivors, brain cancer victims/survivors & to those who have other diso

Suffering from voice loss and are in need of a viable solution to get it back in a fast and efficient manner? We are here to help!

Are you, by any chance, suffering from abnormal changes in your voice like for example; Hoarseness, raspiness or even a total voice loss? At first, you may think that you're fighting with a cold or flu, or perhaps you may think that it’s due to the fact that you sang your heart out at a concert or cheered too loudly for your favourite player at a football game. And, if so, then, (hypothetically speaking), due to those actions, you are now paying the price with a sore throat or even, parhaps, laryngitis  - a type of inflammation in your voice box that makes your voice scratchy or hoarse, which can also be a cause of a lost voice, God forbid! Laryngitis can be short-term endeavour or become chronic. Most often (if it's not chronic), it does not last for longer than a couple of weeks.  Laryngitis (occurance of which is quite common during cold and flu season) is caused when the voice box becomes inflamed. In fact, if the inflammation gets into the vocal box lining, it

Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia  What Do You Need to Know and (Needless to Say) to be Aware Of?

Muscle tension dysphonia is a term used to define significant change in the sound of one’s voice - usually due to the muscle strain in the neck. Hoarseness or discomfort via excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box, can be indicating signs of the beginning stages of this nasty voice disorder - MTD. Needless to say, muscle tension dysphonia disorder inhibits the sufferer from using their natural voice. MTD can easily develop, for example; due to some infectious diseases like laryngitis and can also remain to be even after the swelling of the vocal cords subsided. It can also be caused by stress, therefore potentially causing co-occurring voice problems. However, this kind of dysphonia may occur on its own, identified as primary MTD - or it may occur as a result of other underlying disorders, known as secondary MTD. What are the symptoms of this kind of dysphonia? Muscle tension dysphonia generally causes the voice to sound rough, hoarse, raspy, weak, breathy